Our advanced model requires no increase in workshop size; we work within your existing facility.

Is Your Service Department Ready For The Future?

Partner with Service Operation Specialists to get you there now!

Tired of losing your customers to after-market quick lubes? Fewer repairs, simpler maintenance services, and longer service intervals have set the stage for change. Over 50% of the available work consists of nothing more than a light maintenance service—an oil change, tire rotation, and vehicle inspection. Long-term survival demands a new business model that will achieve the following goals:

  • Lower cost of labor
  • Increase parts and labor sales
  • Increase workshop capacity and throughput
  • Utilize the existing facility
  • Reduce the total customer experience to under 30 minutes
  • Increase traffic for vehicle sales.

It’s not just about convenience, express service can have a phenomenal impact on improving profitability. Our customers typically experience a successful “lift” in parts and labor sales on 65% of the express service repair orders. In addition to increased sales, express service repair order volume grows by 50% every six months.

Service Operations Specialists is THE AUTHORITY for Dealership Express Service

Our advanced model requires no increase in workshop size; we work within your existing facility. On-site visits to your dealership help us tailor the program to your unique needs. Beyond just providing advice, our elite team of specialists “walk-the-talk”; they roll up their sleeves and work side-by-side with your staff—managers, advisors, and technicians—to set-up, train, and manage the express service operation. Comprehensive follow-up visits ensure that the express process continues to run smoothly.

Let us help you master this business model!